If you are one of the fortunate few whose business is still operating or has a hope of re-opening soon, it may be more important than ever to review your marketing strategy so your business has the best chance to survive.
We know that time, energy, and funds are scarce. The team here at Results Pathfinder created the Emergency Marketing Tips To Help Your Business Survive A Crisis with these constraints in mind.
Some of the tips can be done quickly and for free; others can be very affordable. Since some of the important tips take time before you can see results, we have also included tips which might get your phone ringing in just hours.
The guide is split into 3 separate documents and is designed to be followed in sequence so that you are not wasting time and money on things that may not help unless preliminary things are put into place. You can get some quick results while working on longer term items.
We recommend reading all three guides, in sequence, to get an overall feel for what we are recommending and identifying what items are the most important for your business.
Then, plan to work on one guide per week.
Part 1 Foundation: First Things First focuses on important foundation pieces that should be in place before you implement the strategies in the other parts. Basically, if your website and overall digital presence does not have the essentials in place, your investment in things like ads and SEO may not get you the results you need—or worse, be completely wasted dollars.
Once the foundation is ready, Part 2 Quick Wins offers several ways to get quick results.
Part 3 What Should Your Business Do Next describes several additional ways to grow your business.
Throughout the guides, we flag risks you need to be aware of, especially now when your business may be particularly fragile.
Help and advice are available. We encourage you to add comments and questions below and to reach out to our team at resultspathfinder.com/help.
Our thoughts and prayers are with our fellow business owners as we all look for ways to get through the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Introduction to Emergency Marketing Tips Guide